Seeking: honest questions for deeper faith | Branding & Graphic design by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman |A Sanctified Art, LLC •

Opening Words…


The Season of Lent

The Deacons and I look forward to exploring the "Seeking: honest questions for deeper faith" theme with you during the season of Lent. This theme will carry through Sunday worship services, bible study classes, meditation at home -- even music and art! Below you will find a variety of resources to accompany your spiritual journey through Lent.

-- Rev. Cathlin


Artwork: Living Water; by Lauren Wright Pittman; Inspired by John 4:5-42. Digital painting with digital drawing and collage. All rights reserved.

Women’s Bible Study for Lent

with Rev. Vicky Hanjian

Wednesday Feb 22 through April 5 (except March 8)


During Lent, the Women's Bible Study group will explore "stories of Jesus encountering people who are seeking: a new beginning, a different life, a deeper faith.  In these interactions an unveiling (perhaps an apocalypse?) occurs, assumptions are disrupted, a new perspective is revealed, mystery grows."

All women are welcome to join Lenten journey. No passport required. No experience necessary!

Participants are invited to register ahead of time either with the church office or with Vicky Hanjian (508-696-8225; so that preparation materials may be e-mailed to participants prior to the first meeting.

Seeking: honest questions for deeper faith”

Devotional Booklet

We are offering printed booklets of the “Seeking: honest questions for deeper faith” Lenten devotional to anyone who might like one. Printed copies will be available after church in the Narthex or in the black mailbox to the left of the Music Street door. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact the church office. If you would like to receive an electronic version (readable on your computer or digital reader device, i.e., Kindle or iPad), the church office can help you with that as well.

Blessings on your Lenten journey…



A “Seeking” playlist on Spotify is available for your Lenten inspiration through music. To access, click here.


Daily Devotional Cards with questions and thoughts to prompt you along your Lenten Journey are available in a similar manner to the Devotional Booklets above. Please contact the office if you need assistance with obtaining them.