Beeeee In the Know!
Please join us for these important meetings!
Zoom link for all of these meetings is available by clicking here.
The meetings will begin at 6:30pm and end at 7:45 pm.
Meeting ID: 816 6491 3212
Passcode: 174873
By Phone: 1-301-715-8592 (Enter Meeting ID/Passcode as prompted)
See detailed itineraries for each meeting below.
January 29
The Kitchen and Accessibility Renovation Team (KART) will talk about how church leadership has been preparing for over ten years for a major renovation of our church Parish Hall. We will screen-share schematic designs for the renovation that were presented at a congregational meeting in July 2022. At that time, the congregation authorized us to continue our efforts to further the parish hall renovation project through research and conversations with the Town and potential donors. We are hoping that 2025 will be a year of great progress for this initiative. Please join us to learn more and find ways to support this effort!